Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Rights and Responsibilities

According to Wikipedia, “Civics is the study of rights and duties of citizenship. In other words, it is the study of government with attention to the role of citizen’s ― as opposed to external factors ― in the operation and oversight of government.”

In my opinion, one of the most important rights is the freedom of speech. We all can say what we think, but we also have responsibilities that go with the freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship, and limitation. So I can say what I think about people, and I can’t get in trouble for it. But, I have to be respectful about saying it.

Freedom of speech is a good right that we have, because when someone does something we don’t like we can say something about it—even if that someone is the government.

- Here is a question for you-

If we have freedom of speech, why do schools limit it?


  1. Vera,

    I would say that our freedom is limited so we do not offend someone. On the flip side, I might argue that our freedom of speech really is not limited. I think one of the goals of school is to help prepare us for life "without walls." And, in some places, we just cannot say anything we want. So, I look at it positively and say--we are not being limited; we are learning discipline.

    Ms. Dionne

  2. Hi Vera. Your blog post about freedom of speech was great. You are a very thoughtful and good writer and I look forward to reading more of your blogs in the days and weeks ahead.

    I enjoyed visiting with you class yesterday. Keep up the great work. See you again soon!


  3. Hi! David, thank you for the comment. I really enjoyed you coming and talking to us on Wednesday. To what extent do you pratice your rights of freedom of speech?


  4. This was a thought provoking post. I appreciate the thought that you put into it. Freedom of speech is one of the greatest freedoms we have in my opinion. I like to believe Ms. Dionne is correct in saying we are learning discipline when schools limit what we can or cannot say. What I say in my personal life is not always appropriate for my professional life; again discipline. I also believe the old adage,just because we can do something does not mean we should.
