Monday, October 12, 2009

If I could I would....

If I could change any law, I would want to change the truancy law. It should be our choice if we want to get an education or not. I just hate the fact that we have to get up so early. I just think we should get more sleep. Therefore, I think we should get to sleep in until 10:00. I think many of the students would go to school. It would help us focus on our schoolwork a lot more and we would not be falling asleep in the classroom. I know myself as a teenager, and I do not go to sleep early. Some teens have trouble sleeping

Michelle Trudeau, a broadcast journalist, writes the following: “
Most high schools begin their day around 7:30 a.m., which leaves many teenagers nodding off in the morning. In fact, at least 20 percent of high school students fall asleep in class on a typical day. The problem: Teenagers need a lot of sleep — about nine hours each night, experts say. And most of them aren't getting enough.”

In my opinion, there would be less truancy if school started later. More students would want to go to school, be less depressed, think better, and they will pay better attention in school. The students, the school, parents, and even the state would benefit.

Check out the following links:

Schools Waking Up to Teens' Unique Sleep Needs

Later start times for high school students

The Early Bird Gets the Bad Grade


  1. I agree that teenagers do not get enough sleep. I also believe if school did start later students would be more attentive. I certainly as a teacher would be more attentive. I do not agree that teenagers should choose whether or not they go to school. Knowledge is essential to success in life. An education will help make you a contributing member of society. As a taxpayer, I want everyone to be educated so my taxes are not raised to help support them when they do not have skills to support themselves. As a mother, I want my children to have every advantage I can give them in life and an education is a HUGE benefit. As a citizen of the United States, I want other citizens educated so they can know their candidates and the issues before they cast their ballot. As an inhabitant of this planet, I want other inhabitants educated to ensure the longevity of the life of this planet. I obviously feel strongly about everyone getting an education, but I do not feel strongly about education starting at a specific time of day.

  2. This blog contains good research and information. I agree that there are a lot of teenagers that would love to sleep until noon. I think they would like to stay in bed and get up when they feel like it. What time would that be I wonder? How long would we have to stay in school at night? How about transportation to and from school and teenagers coming home after dark?
    I know I have a lot of questions, but I do think it would be a good idea to start school a little later. It would take a lot of planning and organization to make this change happen. Melonie made the point that school is important and that everyone should get an education, she is right about that.

  3. hi Melonie!
    I really like the comment you posted for my blog it is really good! thank you
